Frequently Asked Questions for CSCI 13500, Spring 2021


Homework Assignment

1.     Where are the details for homework assignments?


Labs (also called Recitations)

1.    Where are the details for labs?

2.    Are labs answered by slides or textbook?


Lecture Quizzes and Attendance

1.     What are lecture quizzes?

2.     How will attendance be taken?



1.     What are projects?


Midterm and the Final

1.    Where are midterm exam and final submitted?

2.    Can we use notes in Exams?

3.     How are the tests and quizzes administered?


PS (Problem Solving) or WE (Worked Example) Exercises do NOT to submit

1.    What are exercises marked as PS and WE?


View Lecture Recording

1.     When will the recorded lectures be posted and where?



1.    Not get an invite code from gradescope.

2.    Change email address in gradescope.

3.     How to submit assignment to gradescope?



1.     What if I have questions concerning grades?



1.    How can I buy the book, from wiley or vitalsource?

2.    I bought textbook from the school website already. Is that fine?

3.     Is the textbook required for homework?

4.    Are the e-features mandatory?

5.    Is old edition acceptable?


Operating Systems

1.    If we have a Linux install, can we use it?

2.    Can we choose any C++ editor, or

3.    If we use online editor, do we still need to use linux?



1.     Is Readings supposed to be done before class?

2.     What if I do not have a camera?

3.     What is privacy policy of the testing software go proctor exams?

4.    I'm enrolled in Professor Zamansky's recitation. Is his lab different from other professor’s?

5.    Do you have to take 13500 and 13600 together?



Homework Assignment


Q: Where are the details for homework assignments?

A: Go to, scroll down to section COURSE OUTLINE, click exercises. Submit these exercises to gradescope.


Exercises starts with E means homework, for example, E1.7 is a homework assignment. To work on it, do the following:


Click link E1.7 in, and you will be directed to vitalsource, showing the content of this exercise.



Sometimes we will change the problem a little to make auto-grading in gradescope easier. For example, the original E1.7 is changed as follows,


Declare 3 string variables, enter from keyboard using cin, then output 3 names using cout.


To submit a solution, login gradescope, click on link .


Make sure you do homework, since E exercises are similar to exam questions.




Q: Where are the details for labs (also called recitations)?

A: Lab belong to 135R; these two parts are decided by recitation instructors. For example, Lab 1, 2, …,13 are labs. Descriptions of labs are listed in, while submission is on gradescope *.

* Students in recitation section of Professor Zamansky will not use gradescope but a different testing framework and github for lab quizzes and exercises. However, for non-lab assignments (say, lecture quizzes, homework, projects, midterm exam and final), you still need to submit to gradescope.

Q: Are labs answered by the slides or textbook?

A: Recitation instructors will guide you through labs and teach you necessary knowledge to finish labs. Make sure you attend recitation sections. Lab quizzes and exercises count for 25% of total grade.


Lecture Quizzes and Attendance


Q: What are lecture quizzes?

A: Lecture quizzes are given in some lectures. They should be submitted to gradescope. They are submitted for credit without being graded. They count for 5% of total grade. Their purpose is to count attendance.


Q: How will attendance be taken for this class?

A: Attendance is counted by lecture quizzes, which is submitted for credits (not graded).




Q: What are projects?

A: Projects are posted in and blackboard, submission is through gradescope. Each project counts for 7% of total grade.


Midterm and the Final


Q: Where are midterm exam and final submitted?

A: Submission of midterm exam and final are through gradescope.


Q: Are we allowed to use notes during tests?

A: Some cheat sheet is allowed. Here is an example.


Q: How are the tests and quizzes administered?

A: It will be submitted to gradescope for automatic grading. Proctor software will be used in midterm exam and the final. More details will follow.


PS (Problem Solving) and WE (Worked Example) do NOT need to Submit


Q: What are exercises marked as PS and WE?

A: PS (Problem Solving) and WE (Worked Examples) in are to be worked through without submission. They are preparation for exams.


View Lecture Recording


Q: When will the recorded lectures be posted and where?

A: Once a lecture is completed, log into blackboard. In the left panel, choose BB Collab Sessions.


Click menu icon  in , then in the pop up window, choose Recordings.


The recordings of lectures are shown.




Q: I have never received an invite for gradescope.

A: If not receive invitation code, email lecture instructor with your full name and email address.


Q: I want to change my email address listed in gradescope.

A: Each gradescope is associated with an email address. Please send me the email address you want to use for gradescope.

Note that you should not have more than one email address in gradescope, otherwise your submissions will be distributed in different accounts (one email address is listed in one gradescope account).


Q: How to submit assignment to gradescope?

A: Here are steps.

(1)  Log into gradescope.

(2)  if assignments do not show up in right pane, click Dashboard .

(3)  Click an assignment that is clickable (non-clickable link passes due date and cannot submit). For example,


(4)  A window pops up.


(5)  Open your source code (file ended in .cpp), DRAG and DROP in the box. Then click Upload.



(6)  Once you click Upload, wait until successfully upload window pops up as follows.


(7)  Autograder is trying to grade your assignments. Here is a prompt.



(8)   Once grade is finished, in the right pane, you should see autograder result after one or two minutes.


(9)   In the above example, my program does not begin with introductory comments. If you want to get correct grade in this part, write beginning comments as follows.


Author: your name

Course: CSCI-135

Instructor: their name

Assignment: title, e.g., Lab1A


Here, briefly, at least in one or a few sentences

describe what the program does.


If you want to resubmit, click Resubmit in the bottom right corner.


(10)If you want to look at submit history, click . A window pop up, and you will see all your submission.

(11)   Click a link, say . Then its contents are shown in the window. By default, it shows results only. If you want to look at Code. Click Code button.

(12)   If you want to download previous submission, click Download Submission. A zip containing the most recent submission will be downloaded.




Q: What if I have questions concerning grades? For example, on gradescope, I'm getting points off for comments on Lab 1B and Lab 1D, but it's the same comments as Lab 1A and Lab 1C for which I received full credit.

A: Different problems have different comments requirements. For detailed grading in labs, please consult your recitation instructor. For non-lab grading problem, contact me and I will forward your inquiries to your grader.




Q: How can I buy the book, from wiley or vitalsource?

A: Here are the two steps to buy textbook and uses it e-features.

(Step 1) Go to,

choose E-book rental (120 days).


(Step 2) To view wiley E-book, we need to use vitalsource.

Once we buy/rent the book, a link will be emailed to you from Vitalsource with the following contents:


In short, Wiley provides materials and vitalsource adds e-features (ie, interactivity) to those materials.


Q: I bought textbook from the school website already. Is that fine?

A: If you can access the textbook through vitalsource, that is fine. If the access code does not work, you may try

Then click link contact VitalSource Support and chat with a representative.


Q: Is the textbook required for homework?

A: Yes.


Q: Are the e-features mandatory?

A: Yes.


Q: Is it okay to use the second edition of the textbook (since I already have it)? or do I need to buy the third edition of the textbook for this class?

A: If you insist on using 2nd edition, when we assign homework/assignment, make sure to get the problem label in the 3rd edition, which I prefer each student to have.


Operating Systems


Q: If we have a Linux install, can we use it?

A: Yes. For example, if you in Mac or Linux, then C++ is installed already. You do not need to do any extra installation.

No need to install Linux in Mac; its operating system OS is similar to Linux.


Q: As for online C++ editor, might be better to use than onlinegdb.

A: You can use any online C++ editor for your convenience, as long as the file you save can be graded by gradescope.

However, in the long run, I prefer you to use vim or Emacs to edit C++ files. In blackboard, a resource file for vim put can be downloaded and put in your home directory, call it .vimrc (remember to add dot . before vimrc).


Q: If use or onlinegdb, do we still need linux subsystem for windows?

A: You still need to use linux submsystem, otherwise, your files are not saved in Linux server. Also, one goal of this course is to be familiar with Linux Operating System.




Q: Is Readings supposed to be done before class?

A: It is not required, but I would prefer you to read before class.


Q: What if I do not have a camera?

A: You can either use camera in your cell phone or loan a laptop from student help desk.


Q: What is privacy policy of the testing software go proctor exams?

A: It depends on what testing software is in use. I will let you know once there are any updates.


Q: I'm enrolled in Professor Zamansky's recitation. Is his lab different from other professor’s?

A: Professor Zamansky’s section is only for Daedalus (CSCI honors) students. He might use different exercises for labs. Other professors use labs in the syllabus.


Q: Do you have to take 13500 and 13600 together?

A: We no longer have CSCI 13600. Starting from Fall 2020, CSCI 13600 is formerly combined with CSCI 13500 as recitation section.